One woman who has gone through more incidents that would put any normal person in depression wondering what will happen next
is my one and only MOTHER. An independent, self-centered, set in her own ways, from the old country, and I do mean countryfied,
on the farm, lady who taught all her children the values of life and how to be forever greatful for all we have, by showing
us how to grow up on the things we didn't have but felt no less than those friends that did have things like a flush toilet,
running water, central heat and/or an air conditioner. We had family and love and with those two items alone the rest of
the luxuries were trivial.
My Favorites
Favorite Band or Musician: The times at the Lower Club where my mom and dad would have a few beers, dance the polka and play
shuffle board. Favorite TV show: The Sunday night family get together to watch Lassie and have some popcorn cooked on the
stove with melted butter..and peanut butter. Favorite movie: Her favorite serial show was Dark Shadows.
Favorite book: She made all different kinds of pickles.
Favorite sports team: Blueberries galore.
Favorite food: Sometimes just pancakes for supper
My Hobbies
From playing hopscotch on the city sidewalks to weeding gardens with the horseflies buzzing around your head and screaming
but no one can hear you.
Most Admired
My Dad's country on the farm brought us from the city life and at just the right time too.